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JMA + Keltner Band


Two popular bands around price action are the Keltner Band and Bollinger Band. Their difference is that Keltner band width is based on average true range and Bollinger is based on standard deviation of true range. We favor Keltner over Bollinger. This chart shows JMA (white line) crossing through a Keltner Band. Bands offer another way to perform crossover analysis.

You can choose to enable/disable the band's dynamic coloring. Band color changes depending on the relation between JMA and the band. Note the absence of colored areas in certain places. You may want to avoid being in the market at those times. For more information about JMA, go here.

  • Visual results may vary, and will depend on chart time frame, chart bar type, market symbol and indicator parameter values.

  • All Jurik indicators are optimized to display over a black background.

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